Diving Medicals should ideally be conducted by a Doctor who has had the approved training to medically examine recreational and commercial (occupational) divers.
Dr Graham Stevens is a member of SPUMS, the South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society and provides both recreational and commercial diving medicals. Dr Stevens holds both the Diploma in Diving Medicine from SPUMS and the Advanced diploma in Hyperbaric and Diving Medicine from the Australian And New Zealand College of Anaesthatists.
Dr Stevens works part time as a consultant/staff specialist in the department of Hyperbaric and Diving Medicine at the RHH.
Our Diving Medical Certificates are in accordance with the Australian Standard AS4005.1 Compliance and ANZ 2299.1-3 (2015).
Diving Medicals take approximately one hour to complete. Having an appointment is no guarantee of fitness to dive and further tests or examinations may be required.